Important Notice!!! Leptospirosis Alert and Rodent Control Measures in Mauritius

Cases of Leptospirosis have been reported in Mauritius. We are equipped with anti-rodent treatments while we advise you to take precautions.

Leptospirosis is contracted from the urine of infected Rats. The bacteria get into your body through cuts and scratches or through the lining of the mouth, throat and eyes after contact with infected urine or contaminated water.

The disease starts with flu-like symptoms such as a headache or muscle pains.

As these pathogens live in water and wet grounds you should avoid stepping into stagnated water and wet muddy grounds. If you have to, then do so wearing proper protective clothing, hand gloves and boots. Clean wounds and cuts as soon as possible and cover them with waterproof dressing

We at Alpha Pest: perform a thorough inspection and execute Anti-rodent treatments to keep check on all Rodent species like Mouse, Rattus-Rattus, Bandicoots.

We use worldwide approved rodenticides and coagulants.

External Treatment:         Mass baiting (poison) with an approved and safe rodenticide.

Indoor Treatment:           Mass trapping (glue board) installation at strategic locations.

Removing food sources, water and items that provide shelter for rodents is the best way to prevent contact with rodents. Where necessary, control rodents by using an integrated pest management approach that includes environmental sanitation, proper food storage, rodent-proofing, trapping and poisoning.

Rodent Proofing Measures:

  • Seal all entry points greater than 5 mm.
  • Keep all food items in sealed containers.
  • Maintain proper sanitation & hygiene.
  • Warehouses: Proper storage practices need to follow – Leave at least 18 inches gap from wall & 8 inches above ground.
  • Seal all burrows.
  • Remove clutter & keep surrounding clean.
  • Remove bushes and cut tree branches touching roof or wall.
  • Proper waste management.
  • Screen all vents, windows.
  • Replace broken window glasses.

Please feel free to contact us on 212 4020 or [email protected] for any assistance and additional Rodent treatments (Curative or Preventive) required.